Funeral Order of Service Examples

When we say goodbye to a loved one, every detail counts. The funeral order of service plays a pivotal role in memorial services, guiding attendees through the ceremony while paying tribute to the departed. Here at Funeral Stationery, we understand the importance of getting every detail just right. On this page, you’ll find a collection of funeral order of service examples to inspire and guide you through creating a personalised tribute that honours your loved one’s memory.  

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What is a Funeral Order of Service?

A funeral order of service is a booklet given to attendees as they arrive at a funeral or memorial service. It outlines the structure of the ceremony, including hymns, readings, and eulogies, serving as a guide for participants and a keepsake to remember the day. Creating a meaningful order of service can seem daunting, but with the right inspiration and resources, it can become a beautiful tribute to your loved one’s life story.

Our Examples Collection 

Traditional Services

For those adhering to traditional religious ceremonies, our examples describe how to weave in customary elements like prayers, hymns, and blessings while leaving room for personal touches.

Funeral Order of Service modern example inner pages on a white background

  • Example 1: Traditional Christian Service

A traditional Christian funeral service often includes hymns, prayers, and readings from the Bible. The order of service may begin with a musical prelude, followed by a welcome message, opening prayer, hymns, a eulogy, scripture readings, a sermon, and concludes with a benediction and committal service.

For information and guidance on planning a Christian faith service, Funeral Partners UK has detailed information to help. 

  • Example 2: Classic Jewish Memorial

Classic Jewish memorials focus on prayers, remembrances, and the Mourner’s Kaddish. The service might include the chanting of Psalms, a eulogy (hesped), El Malei Rachamim (a prayer asking for the soul’s peaceful rest), and the concluding Kaddish, which mourners recite together.

For more information, visit CPJ Field’s Jewish Funeral Guide

  • Example 3: Time-Honoured Islamic Janazah

An Islamic Janazah funeral service includes a Salat al-Janazah (funeral prayer) which is performed by the community and emphasises collective prayer for the deceased. The service is concise, with no music or readings, focusing instead on prayers for forgiveness and mercy for the deceased.

Visit Islamic Burials’ practical guide for Muslims

Contemporary Services

Modern services often blend various elements, reflecting the unique life and personality of the departed. These examples demonstrate how to incorporate modern readings, music, and personal anecdotes.

A non-religious, modern funeral order of service example on a single blank page
A non-religious and modern example
  • Example 4: Celebration of Life

A Celebration of Life service is personalised and often non-religious, focusing on celebrating the deceased’s life, achievements, and memories. It might include personal stories, favourite music, photo displays, and even themed decorations reflecting the interests or hobbies of the departed.

  • Example 5: Non-Religious Memorial Service

Non-religious or secular memorial services focus on the life and legacy of the deceased without religious rituals. These services often include readings of poetry or literature, personal reminiscences, a moment of silence, and perhaps a symbolic gesture, like a candle lighting.

For more detailed examples of a non-religious services, Humanist UK provides comprehensive information. 

  • Example 6: Eco-Friendly Natural Burial Ceremony

An eco-friendly ceremony emphasises returning to nature without harming the environment. The service might take place in a natural burial ground, with readings and actions that highlight the deceased’s love for nature, including biodegradable urns or caskets and the planting of a memorial tree.

For more ideas and guidance, visit Poppy’s Funerals

Themed Services

A themed service can reflect the hobbies, career, or passions of your loved one, making the ceremony deeply personal and memorable.

  • Example 7: Music Lover’s Farewell

This themed service celebrates the deceased’s passion for music, featuring performances or the playing of their favourite songs, musical tributes, and personal stories about their love for music. The program might list the songs played, the performers, and the significance of each piece to the departed.

  • Example 8: Gardener’s Last Journey

A gardener’s farewell focuses on their love for gardening and nature. The service could include floral arrangements from their garden, a seed packet memorial gift for attendees, and readings or poems about gardening and the cycle of life. has helpful guidance for gardeners and garden lovers, or visit The Royal Horticultural Society website for inspiration. 

  • Example 9: Veteran’s Honorary Service

A veteran’s service honours their military service, often including military honours such as the folding and presenting of the national flag, the playing of Taps, and recognition of their service achievements. The order of service may reflect a patriotic theme and include readings or remembrances that highlight their dedication and sacrifice.

For more information, visit

How to Personalise Your Funeral Order of Service

Creating a personalised funeral order of service involves reflecting on what made your loved one unique. Consider including:

  • Favorite poems, quotes, or scriptures
  • A Eulogy read by a close family member or friend
  • Photos throughout their life
  • Personal stories or anecdotes
  • Their favourite music or hymns

We offer customisable templates and design services to help you craft the perfect tribute. Contact us or visit our Done For You page for more details.


A funeral order of service is more than just a guide to the ceremony; it’s a celebration of a life and a final tribute to your loved one. We hope these examples inspire you to create something beautiful and meaningful. We’re here to support you every step of the way, from inspiration to the final print.

For more guidance or to start designing your personalised funeral order of service, contact us today. 


About The Author

With over 30 years of dedicated service in the funeral stationery industry, Alec brings a profound depth of understanding and compassion to the delicate task of creating funeral orders of service and accompanying stationery. His journey began in 1990, driven by a mission to support families during their most challenging times, providing them with a tangible piece of remembrance that honours the legacy of their loved ones.

In the early days, orders were designed and fulfilled offline but with ever more sophisticated online editors becoming available we started the move online in 2010. And were one of the earliest adopters to do so in the UK for Funeral Stationery.

Over time, with the increasing robustness of online systems and customers’ growing confidence in embracing online ordering, the business has gradually transitioned to primarily serving an online clientele.

However, online ordering isn’t for everyone and the nature of families’ circumstances during a bereavement means that Funeral Stationery 4U will always have room to provide an offline service for those that require the help and guidance of experienced support staff.

Throughout his time as a funeral stationer, Alec has worked closely with hundreds of families, listening to their stories, understanding their needs, and crafting stationery that reflects the personality and life of the departed. His expertise encompasses a deep knowledge of what makes each farewell special and meaningful.

Alec has provided solace and support to those grieving. Recognising families’ evolving needs and preferences, he has integrated uplifting designs with traditional touches, ensuring that every order of service commemorates loved ones befittingly.

As a leading authority in funeral stationery, Alec is dedicated to sharing his insights and experiences through his blog, offering guidance to both families planning a farewell for a loved one and fellow professionals seeking to enhance their service to grieving families. His contributions to the field are driven by a heartfelt understanding of the importance of his work and a commitment to supporting others during their time of loss.

Connect with Alec on LinkedIn to learn more about his expertise and career.